Diagnostic audit to bring the management system to the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001
If the organization has set a goal to implement a management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 it can define an action program based on:
- Self-diagnostics of the existing management system;
- Diagnostic audit could be assigned to VERTEST.
Why should you choose VERTEST?
- Auditors have practical experience in management system audits since 2001 and experience in management system certification body under the accreditation of the Dutch accrediting body RvA;
- The results of audits will help to implement the requirements of standards for management systems effectively.
Diagnostic audit is carried out in stages:
- Audit planning (audit purpose, audit criteria, audit plan, labor costs);
- Analysis of management system documentation (analysis of documentation report);
- On-site audit (preliminary audit report);
- Nonconformities closure (assessment of corrections and corrective actions effectiveness);
- Audit results (final audit report).
Diagnostic audit with the purpose of conformity of enterprise activity to requirements of the legislation in the field of occupational health and safety, industrial and fire safety, ecology
To minimize the risk of penalties, the organization is obliged to comply with the requirements of legislation in the field of occupational health and safety, fire safety, and ecology. In order to implement the goal of compliance with the requirements of legislation, an organization can define an action program based on:
- Self-diagnostics of the existing management system;
- Diagnostic audit could be assigned to VERTEST
Why should you choose VERTEST?
- Auditors have practical experience in audits to meet the requirements of the Ministry of Labor, Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage;
- The results of audits will help to implement the goals of compliance with the requirements of the legislation most effectively.
Diagnostic audit is carried out in stages:
- Audit planning (audit purpose, audit criteria, audit plan, labor costs);
- Analysis of existing documentation (analysis of documentation report);
- On-site audit (preliminary audit report);
- Nonconformities closure (assessment of corrections and corrective actions effectiveness);
- Audit results (final audit report).
According to audit results, the customer receives an "Action plan for bringing activities to the requirements of legislation in the field of occupational health and safety, fire safety, and ecology", as well as recommendations for the implementation of these requirements.